Latest/ Repeated Topics - Essay, Publich Speaking, Group Discussion - ISSB

Essay Writing at ISSB and Group Discussion related areas are discussed in the forum
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Latest/ Repeated Topics - Essay, Publich Speaking, Group Discussion - ISSB

Post by mwaraitch »

Some of the main topics for Essay Writing, Group Discussions and Public Speaking at ISSB during recent appearances can be:
More Topic and discussion point at Group Discussions Topics at ISSB
  1. Future of youth of Pakistan
  2. Baluchistan Crisis
  3. Future of Democracy in Pakistan
  4. Talibanization
  5. Morning Shows
  6. Talks Shows
  7. Live Coverage Vs Physical Attendance of Events.
  8. Global Warming
  9. Socio-economic challenges faced by Pakistan
  10. Role & Power of Media in the Modern World
  11. Social Networking
  12. Islam versus the west
  13. International crisis in terrorism
  14. Reason behind dirty politics in Pakistan
  15. Role of Women in Development
  16. Friends are more important than parents
  17. Election Commission of Pakistan, structure and role.
  18. Atomic power hone k bawajud pakistan kia kamzor mulk hai?
  19. Home is Best place for women.
  20. Can education overcome terrorism
  21. Failure brings anxiety and depression
  22. Can problem of Muslim Countries only be Resolved trough Jehad
  23. Intolerance in our Society
  24. Tourism in Pakistan and it's effects on Econom
  25. Who should be called as modern?
  26. Impact of mobile phones on sports
  27. How to define character
  28. Meaning of good personality
  29. Skills needed to coup with future requirements
  30. Career options in Pakistan
  31. Are we growing healthy minds?
  32. Power of social media platforms
  33. Define Beauty
  34. Impact of COVID-19 on Education
  35. How will 2023 shape?
  36. How to revive Pakistani economy?
  37. Work from home – Pros & Cons
  38. Pakistan Geo Strategic Location and its role in the region-
  39. Energy Crisis in Pakistan
  40. Co-Education
  41. Corruption in Pakistan- Causes and Remedies
  42. Best things youth is doing these days.
  43. Media is mending or terminating culture/ values.
  44. Are Pakistani women enjoying equality?
  45. Generation Gap between old politician and youth
  46. Self Esteem and leadership
  47. Fame and power is double edged
  48. Is UN still relevant
  49. Is pen powerful then the sword
  50. CPEC
  51. How to use technology for education and social crisis
  52. Is ticktock having any utility
  53. Working women or House wife – what choice a girl should make.
  54. Is internet curbing creativity
  55. Academies are destroying education
  56. India – Pakistan relations
  57. he Future of Cryptocurrencies
  58. Impact of News channels on society
  59. Traffic problems in Pakistan
  60. Electronic Voting vs Paper Ballot
  61. How can we reduce wealth gap between Rich & Poor?
  62. Might is always right
  63. Innovation vs Invention – What is more important?
  64. Can women be in combat roles?
  65. Leaders are born, not created
  66. Movies encourage social evils
  67. Girl's fashion leads to social evils
  68. Plastic Pollution
  69. Should street food be banned?
  70. Freedom is a myth
  71. Water scarcity in Pakistan
  72. Do brands rule our lives?
  73. How to restore trust in Pakistani Education system
  74. Vulgarity through advertisements is corroding society
  75. Are women better managers than men?
  76. Status of Sports in Pakistan
  77. Ethics in Politics
  78. Forwarding habit in social media
  79. Impact of Video games on youth
  80. Hard Work vs Smart Work
  81. Impact of movies on youth
  82. Are we becoming intolerant?
  83. Why Pakistanis keep abusing their own Population
  84. Has democracy hampered progress of Pakistan?
  85. Future of Sports in Pakistan
  86. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage
  87. Is Educational qualification necessary for Politicians?
  88. Do business and ethics go hand in hand?
  89. Eastern vs Western- which parenting style is better?
  90. Women Empowerment in Pakistan
  91. Should we ban Cellphone for youth
  92. Balance between Profession and Family
  93. Examination – Has it killed Education?
  94. Privatization will lead to less corruption.
  95. Are Foreign television channels destroying our culture?
  96. Bullet for Bullet is right policy.
  97. Free mixing in universities can promote gender respect
  98. Is Globalization Really Necessary?

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Re: Latest, Most Repeated Essay Writing Topics, ISSB

Post by HashirQ »

13. Essay: How to Revive Pakistani Economy
The Economy of a country is of vital importance. The development of a Country can be determined by judging its economy's rise and fall standards.
Pakistan’s economy unfortunately stands at the lower level due to many factors. When the economy of a country is stable, then the state affairs will run smoothly and effectively. The National Currency of Pakistan (Rs) competes with US Dollar at very disappointing stage currently sitting as 1USD=182.
Lets Discuss the main Ideas through which Pakistan can develop its economy effectively:
1. Promotion Of Peace
2. Political Stability
3. Industrial Development
4. Privatisation of certain organizations under Strong Check/Balance by Government
5. Foreign Investment in Pakistan
6. Promotion of Tourism
7. Eradication of Corruption
8. Balance in imports/exports
9. Smooth System of Taxes
10. Good Relations with Other Countries.
I think it would be enough to explain these 10 points under the limited time.
Kindly, Give Your kind feedback on my Essay; in order to maintain my writing skills/content at the Peak!
Thank You!
:idea: Hashirqayum
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Re: Latest, Most Repeated Essay Writing Topics, ISSB

Post by mwaraitch »

For system based aspects like sports in Pakistan, or education system, or corruption, economy etc etc. I would prefer to set to format of:-
- Weaknesses and Strengths in existing system (and possible reasons for each).
- Why lack of improvement despite repeated efforts.
- Measures/ step needed at various levels (to improve situation).
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Re: Latest/ Repeated Topics - Essay, Publich Speaking, Group Discussion - ISSB

Post by Abdul Rehman »

nowadays social issues are more discussed
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Re: Latest/ Repeated Topics - Essay, Publich Speaking, Group Discussion - ISSB

Post by oreo. »

Urdu is allowed for public speaking/lecture.
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Re: Latest/ Repeated Topics - Essay, Publich Speaking, Group Discussion - ISSB

Post by mwaraitch »

Urdu topics may also be there. Otherwise public speaking is mostly in English
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