Global Internship and Work Opportunities for Youth - AIESEC

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Global Internship and Work Opportunities for Youth - AIESEC

Post by mwaraitch »


Founded in 1948, AIESEC is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization entirely run by youth for youth. AIESEC is sending individuals abroad to broaden their horizon and sharpen their understanding of different cultures. This post is meant for global interneship and work opportunities in different countries through AIESEC.

AIESEC's Credentials
  • AIESEC is an international organization, present in 127 countries, that deals with leadership development, cross-cultural any internships, and volunteer exchange globalist experiences. Founded in 1948 by a group of young European people (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden).
  • AIESEC is consistently recognized by WorldBlu as Most Freedom Centered Workplace in Europe (education and Nonprofit).
  • AIESEC is in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), is affiliated with the UN DPI, member of ICMYO, and is recognized by UNESCO.
  • It has 5000 plus partner organization providing international experiences to 30,000 plus youth every year.
What placement Opportunities are provided by AIESEC

  • Based on it partnership with Companies and NGOs, AIESEC Runs three Programs; Global Volunteer , Global Entrepreneur and Global Talent.
    Global Volunteer is a cross-cultural experience in Companies and NGOS fto gain personal development and leave an impact on the world.The compensation mainly covers accommodation and in some cases food as well. Its mostly unpaid.

    Global Talent is an internship experience for young people aiming towards professional career development in a global setting. The compensation may include salary, accommodation and food (variants in different cases).

    Global Entrepreneur is an internship experience within a startup where young people can explore, learn and contribute to the entrepreneurial world. The duration is relatively lesser, compared to Global Talent. Compensation varies with type of work (check while applying).

    Campus Involvement; AIESEC provides a platform for young people in different universities by going on an international internship and/or by joining various local chapters. Associate membership opportunities allow young people to work with various NGO partners of AIESEC, and represent their country as a part of campus ambassador program.

How AIESEC Works?

AIESEC has a global website and you can see opportunities in each area there i.e. Global Volunteer, talent or entrepreneur.

Inside each country besides the National board, there are local offices in universities in several cities. These local offices also have a board, which sustains the operations in its city or university (sometimes there is more than one local office in a city, depending of the city size, particularly). Outline Methodology on how one proceeds with opportunity is as per following image:


Viewing projects online and signing up is free. As soon as a contract is concluded between the participant and an opportunity, the program fee of the project will need to be paid. This fee does not include the flight, visa or insurance costs. You have to verify with your specific opportunity manager if accommodation and food will be provided. A small fee for the accommodation might be added to cover additional costs of the project. Make sure to note the accommodation, payment and salary information as reflected during the process of applying:-

Eligibility Requirements

Volunteers and interns must be at least 18 years old. For volunteering there are no prerequisites regarding experience or previous knowledge, for internships the specific requirements are stated in the opportunity. Language requirements depend on the project, but basic knowledge of English should normally be sufficient. AIESEC stands for equal treatment in terms of origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, ethnic or social affiliation.

How to Start with AIESEC Pakistan: ?

AIESEC's Chapters in Pakistan
  • AIESEC Hyderabad
  • AIESEC Karachi
  • AIESEC Islamabad
  • AIESEC Lahore
  • AIESEC Faislabad
- Official Website of AIESEC Pakistan
- AIESEC Pakistan Facebook page:
- Latest Tweets by AIESEC Pakistan

Building a profile for international career through Global Internship and Work Opportunities for Youth seems useful but far-fetched option for the youth in third world countries. Working in foreign nations seems to be way too expensive and complex. Appropriate career consultants are hard to find, if at all. The scenario demands elders / experienced to step forward to guide the youth. It is in this context that I came across AIESEC.
Patience is a virtue
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