How Girls with different Education levels can join Armed Forces of Pakistan

Discussion on eligibility, schedule and initial test procedure about all courses for females in Armed forces of Pakistan
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How Girls with different Education levels can join Armed Forces of Pakistan

Post by mwaraitch »

Official Websites to Check for Girls Commission in Armed Forces:

The posts / registration process and terms and conditions for jobs of girls in Army, Navy and Air Force appear at official website and new paper advertisements. Its better to check official sources instead of keep asking here and there.

Here are official websites: There are a lot of jobs for females in the Pakistan Army who are in different fields of study including medical field. The girls who are doing the job and have 2 to 3 years experience are also eligible to join army.

How can girls can Join Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force after Matric

Female can join Armed Forces of Pakistan after matric as under:-
How can females join Army, Navy or Air Force After Intermediate (FSC) ?

- After FSc girls can join Pakistan Air Force as under:-
  • As Pilot (GDP)
  • As Aeronautical Engineer
arrow-rightEligibility and procedure for induction of girls in PAF as Pilot and Aeronautical Engineer

- After FSC girls can join in Pakistan Army, Armed Forces Nursing Assistant (AFNS) as under:-
  • AFNS - BSc Nursing (Female): with FSC, as Lieutenant, details here viewtopic.php?p=82
  • Trained Nurse as Lieutenant (Female) - Army - after Nursing Diploma and Midwifery; Check details; viewtopic.php?p=82
How can gilrs with Bachelor and higher education get Commission in Armed Forces of Pakistan ?

Lady Cadet Course (LCC) - Army : Females can join as a Captain after BS/ M.phil/ PHD in specific subject and join specific Corps of Pakistan Army like EME, Signals etc. Here are details about Lady Cadet Course for Females in this forum at at our Forum

SSC (Short Service Commission) & SPSSC (Special Purpose short Service Commission) PAF : After BS/MS and Mphill Girls can join PAF as a SSC and SPSSC and serve in Specific branch of PAF like IT branch, Education Branch etc. You can check details about it at official Website

Short Service Commission (SSC) - Pakistan Navy: After Graduation in specific subject girls can join various branches of Pakistan Navy like Education branch etc details of Education Branch of Navy as per details here viewtopic.php?t=68

How Girls having done MBBS can Join Armed Forces of Pakistan as Doctors

Joining Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force - Females - after MBBS as Captain/Major?
  • This course is for only those ladies who have completed their MBBS or BDS and they want to become the dentist or doctor officer in the Army.
  • They can join army through Short Service Regular Commission (SSRC).
  • Through this SSRC, you can become GDMO and Medical specialist in the Armed forces of Pakistan. Find details below:-
Can girls join Pakistan Military Academy (PMA)?

Answer: Pakistan Military Academy is training academy for joining as commissioned officers in Pakistan Army. Girls can join PMA to get military training and become officer in the Army through Lady Cadet Course (graduate and above) and or as GD MO/Specialist Doctors. Girls cannot Apply for PMA on the bases for FA/ FSC.
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