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Scholarship Guidelines - Pakistani Students - Study Abroad

Posted: 15 Mar 2022, 02:41
by mwaraitch
Country Wise Guidelines

HEC has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with various foreign universities. Scholarships for these countries / universities are being awarded under various HEC overseas scholarship schemes.

The detail of scholarship opportunities for partner counties and universities is as follows:

Scholarship Guideline for Australia
Scholarship Guideline for Austria
Scholarship Guideline for China
Scholarship Guideline for France
Scholarship Guideline for Germany
Scholarship Guideline for Netherlands
Scholarship Guideline for New Zealand
Scholarship Guideline for Norway
Scholarship Guideline for South Korea
Scholarship Guideline for Sweden
Scholarship Guideline for Thailand
Scholarship Guideline for Turkey
Scholarship Guideline for UK

Higher Education Commission, Islamabad is bringing competitive scholarship opportunities offered by different countries/agencies for potential applicants from Pakistan. Students may keep themselves updated by regularly visiting the links above / HEC website.