- Making a mind map (draft outline) for the Essay is important to avoid repetitions and having focused contents.
- The other aspect is to have a well laid out article which clearly signifies parts / sections and paras in the essay making it a pleasant reading.
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How to Prepare Mind Map / Layout for Essay Writing at ISSB
• Mention broadly what you have understood from topic.
• Mention gist of what you are going to cover in your paper (based on outline you have made). Many people write introduction after writing article.
Discussion/Analysis(sample topic is “Corruption”)
• Defining main theme / topic. e.g. what is corruption
• Parts/ sub parts of the topic. e.g.
✓ Types of Corruption (monetary, social/ moral)
✓ Causes of corruption
✓ Who is responsible for Corruption (people or Government)
• How the topic effects society/ country (e.g., Implications / effect of corruption).
• What needs to be done and how i.e. The Way Forward e.g.
✓ System of check and balance (justice and law and order) and strict punishments
✓ Motivation and education.
✓ Reducing financial and social disparity.
✓ Better salaries.
✓ Documenting society
• Your conclusion should consist of three to five strong sentences.
• States the overall outcome of your arguments and summary of way forward.
Format / Draft Layout of Article
Topic: Successful Life
• Broad understanding of and importance of successful life
• What variants can be thought at different stages of life importance of understanding these things.
• What is a success, Types and Stages of Success:
✓ Short term and long-term success
✓ Different for different person (success of student, parents, Muslim, solider, citizen etc).
✓ Exams, profession, learning skills, overcoming disease, keep Allah and parents happy, living health and happy life.
• Things which help in succeeding:
✓ Correct direction
✓ Hard work
✓ Healthy mind / body, +ve attitude.
✓ Sharing, support from others
✓ Allah’s help
• Things which make success difficult:
✓ Laziness
✓ Fear of competition
✓ Lack of self-belief- faith/ focus
✓ Time wastage
✓ Lack of sincerity
• Indications of success:
✓ Willingness to change (flexible).
✓ Listens and learns (curious).
✓ Valuing diversity.
✓ Courage, not too cautious, Lack of Fear.
✓ Seeks self-improvement.
✓ Happy when other succeed.
✓ Contentment
• Role of others – govt (create better environment for living, learning and excelling), elders (help and encourage).
• [color=#000BF]What to do[/color] – to be successful: Follow above aspects i.e. things which make one successful.
• Islam’s teaching, consistency, dedication and passion is key.
• State /other relevant agencies and individuals must promote environment helping people to succeed.
• Consistent effort and education.
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How to make Mind Map, Outline for Essay
How to make Mind Map, Outline for Essay
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