Interview Experience, Females- 1
Interview Experience, Females- 2Basic sa tha
-Intro pucha
-Hobbies puchi
-Or why you want to join PAF?
-Afghanistan ke masle pr ap ki kya rae hai ke es se Pakistan ko faida hoga ya nuksan?
-Pakistan ke south mai kya hai?
-Pakistan ki population?
-Punjab ki population?
- That's it
Interview Experience, Females- 3-may I come in… Yes
-how are you….. Yes mam fine
-so your father is a business ma….. Yes mam
-which business…. Rice business mam.
-from where u r….
-oo this city is very famous for rice… Yes mam.
-why u join paf…
- what u will do if u r not selected… Me.. I will try my level best then it is upto Allah.if I am not select then I will try again…
-OK thank u…
-Result: passed.
Its a interview of about 5 to 6 minutes - be confident and answer the question by looking the interviewer. Try to avoid any additional movement of eyes and hands.
Interview Experience, Females- 4=> Asslam O Alikum
==> w.salam how’s you sara.
=> …Alhamdulillah sir
==> introduce yourself
==> in which semester you are
==> tell 5 fighter jets name
==>name of recent air chief marshal
=> take a small pause and told Zaheer ahmed baber
==> why you want to join pak air force
=> i want to serve my services for Pakistan
==> you also can serve from your degree
=>i want to protect the nation from enemies
==> you can do by becoming a front line health worker and fight the enemy
=>yes sir you are right but pilots are trained to have eagles eye ability to search the sky for enemy, locate and shoot them. I like their pride, charm, risk of life. All these things admire and attracts me towards them
==> okay you have family member in PAF or you take this decision by your own?
==> no one in family member in APF sir it take by my own
==> is the first man went into space
=> sorry sir
==> okay, what yr hobbies
==>recent book you read
==> you play indoor games with cousins or friend
==>what you do if you didn’t select
=> continue my studies sir…
==> okay thank you
Female officer ny interview liaa, She was very nice, So i knocked the room ma enter asked may i come in, she said yes!
- sit and introduce your self
- Why do you want to join air force
- What is the occupation of your father
- Businessman
- What business
- He has a bakery
- do you have interest in baking
- Noo!!
- Siblings and your order
- Game konsi khelti
- Badminton kabhi kabhi
- Okay 0 divide by 9 is
- 0
- Wish you very best luck take care - Allah hafiz