Eligibilty, Test Procedure, Females in Education Branch Pakistan Navy

Discussion on eligibility, schedule and initial test procedure about all courses for females in Armed forces of Pakistan
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Eligibilty, Test Procedure, Females in Education Branch Pakistan Navy

Post by mwaraitch »

Age: 28 years
Height; 5'0" for female
Gender; Male/ Female
Marital Status; Unmarried


Citizen of Pakistan
Age: 20 to 26 years years (On the first day of month in which a candidate joins the training establishment or a specific date promulgated by NHQ)
Height: 5'4" Male 5’ Female

At least 2nd Division MA/M.Sc/BE/Equivalent(16years of Education) in one of the following disciplines from HEC recognized institutes university.
- Mathematics
- Pak Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- other (that is given in the Advertisement)

Selection Process: Selection process is commenced with the publication of the advertisement in the news papers. The steps of the same are as under:
  • Online registration at PN website or PN recruitment center (check list of recruitment Naval Recruitment Centers in Pakistan
    - Online register candidates must bring postal order of Rs: 300/- (Crossed in the name Director of Recruitment NHQ Islambad)
  • Entrance test (verbal and Non verbal tests, academics and interview)
  • Preliminary Medical examination and Interview of the candidates who qualify the entrance test
  • ISSB Tests
  • Medical Examination at PN Hospitals/CMHs
  • Final Selection on merit at NHQ.
1. Applications which are forwarded directly to Recruitment Directorate Naval Headquarters will not be entertained.
2. Online registered candidates must bring attested photocopies of their documents along with crossed postal order as per given in the registration slip(in favour of Director Recruitment) on the day of entrance test.

A candidate is ineligible to join the service if he has been dismissed or discharged from the service on discipline / unsuitability /physical disability or convicted by a civil court or otherwise.
Patience is a virtue
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